The truth behind hormonal imbalance and weight management
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Weight gain isn’t just an issue associated with the food you eat or how much you exercise. It can also be affected by your hormones. Hormones and weight management are closely related to each other. Hormones are some tiny chemical messengers that regulate physiological processes —get out of balance, causing weight gain, or guarding attempts to lose weight.
Your hormones play an integral role in your overall health. As a result, there might be many signs or symptoms that could signal a hormonal imbalance. Your signs or symptoms will depend on which hormones or glands aren’t working correctly.
If you thought that only females are the only ones who suffer from hormonal imbalance, you were wrong.
Check the symptoms:
heavy or irregular periods, including missed periods, a stopped period, or a frequent period; hirsutism, or excessive hair on the face, chin, or other parts of the body;
acne on the face, chest, or upper back;
hair loss; vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, and pain during sex.
Resolve Your Hormonal Imbalance Issues
The most common hormonal imbalance in women is called PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) which causes irregular menstrual cycles, fertility difficulties, excess male hormone levels, and small follicles on the ovaries. PCOS is often associated with profound insulin resistance as well as with defects in insulin secretion. Insulin is an appetite stimulant, which is perhaps why many women with PCOS report frequent cravings for sweets and other carbohydrate-rich foods. This leads to weight gain, which increases the risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.
While there is no cure for PCOS, it can be managed with dietary modification and natural supplements.
Medicinal herbs can help hormonal imbalances and weight management conditions
Zinc is a trace element that can boost fertility and your immune system.
Zinc is a micronutrient that’s found in cells throughout your body. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), zinc is crucial to many aspects of your health. It is used for better metabolism, glowy skin, as well as hormonal imbalance.
Zinc is a natural antimicrobial that kills bacteria and opens pores, thereby helping reduce acne. Even further, zinc can help support period pain, which is symptomatic of hormonal imbalance.
Research from NIH has found that zinc levels are directly associated with the following hormones:
Growth Hormone
Thyroid hormones – T3 & T4 Estrogen
One of the best versions of zinc is an amino acid chelate. A chemical compound that bonds with metal ions (such as zinc) create a stable, water-soluble product that the body can easily absorb. Chelate Zinc is 100% absorbed by the organism, and the effectivity on the organism is higher than other zinc types. Found in our Deep Cleanse – Onovo Skin Cleanse & Detox Blend, Chelate Zinc (15 mg daily usage) helps treats acne, boost metabolism and hormonal imbalance problems due to zinc insufficiency.
Folic Acid
A recent study by Harvard Health Publishing showed that folate has beneficial effects on metabolic profiles in women with PCOS. The study was a randomized controlled trial, considered the “gold standard” of research. In the study, 5 mg of folate supplementation, compared with 1 mg and a placebo, resulted in better glucose metabolism and better cholesterol lab values in women with PCOS.
Female who suffer from hormonal imbalance has a higher potential to gain weight. Folic Acid
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and Folate helps to improve hormonal imbalance. In that way, improving hormonal imbalance leads to a better metabolism, and losing weight may be easier than ever.
Onovo follows trends in research when creating products. Folacin is one of the products that contain Folate and Folic Acid. These ingredients benefit both mom and baby, from conception to cradle—also a powerful supplement to help hormonal imbalance.
Ashwagandha is also called “Indian ginseng.” It can help balance cortisol levels, which could improve stress and symptoms of PCOS. The health benefits of Ashwagandha come from its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hormone-balancing properties.
Extracts of Ashwagandha can significantly reduce the symptoms of PCOS. Specifically, this combination helps to lower the blood levels of testosterone.
In addition, Ashwagandha helps to:
Reduce blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels.
Decrease weight of the ovaries and womb.
Increase the ability of the cells to utilize available insulin. Meaning, it increases insulin sensitivity.
Our Axonol supplement helps to support our mental clarity, focus, and concentration. Ashwagandha along with the complex of vitamin Bs are the main ingredients that make this product unique and beneficial for brain health.
Green tea and Senna Leaf
Green tea contains theanine, a compound that reduces the release of cortisol (a stress hormone). Hormonal imbalance is also associated with inflammation throughout the body. Prolonged inflammation is associated with high cortisol levels, which increases stress and depression.
High cortisol also increases the risk of insulin resistance, which can cause depression and weight gain. Cortisol is one of the main proteins that cause hormonal imbalance.
Also, green tea contains caffeine and a type of flavonoid called catechin, which is
an antioxidant. Research from PubMed suggests that both of these compounds can speed up metabolism. Catechin can help break down excess fat, while catechin and caffeine can increase the amount of energy the body uses.
Green tea leaf is rich in antioxidant makeup and nutrition, which helps the body’s metabolism be more efficient.
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Green tea contains a range of different vitamins and minerals such as:
B vitamins
magnesium flavonoids
other antioxidants
Senna Leaf
Senna Leaf is marketed as a laxative, weight loss aid, and detox method. Extracts and teas made from Senna plants have long been used as laxatives and stimulants in traditional herbal medicine.
It is studied that Senna treats constipation and also clears the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anal or rectal surgery, tears in the lining of the anus (anal fissures), hemorrhoids, and weight loss.
Weight is strongly related to hormonal imbalance, so laxatives can help weight management in PCOS.